Spell for unknown effect
Not the papyrus the spell is from. This one is Papyrus 122 at the British Museum. You can look at it here.
Take the blood of an owl and myrrh ink, mix the two together, and, using a new reed, draw the figure as appended* on a clean tablet. And having stared simultaneously at a clean wall, while glancing to the east, having fixed the image to a pure linen cloth using thorns from a male date palm, veil the image completely. Then after stepping back from it six cubits, once you have veiled it, count to fifty-nine three times while walking backwards, stopping at the six-cubits-mark.
Λαβὼν αἷμα νυκτιβαοῦτος καὶ ζμυρνομέλαν, ὁμοῦ τὰ δύο μίξας γράφε καινῷ καλάμῳ τὸ ζῴδιον, καθὼς περιέχι, εἰς πιττάκιον καθαρόν, καὶ ἅμ' ἀτενίσας εἰς τοῖχον καθαρόν, εἰς ἀνατολὴν βλέπων, πήξας εἰς σουδάριον ὁλόλινον σκόλοψιν ἀρρενικοῦ φοίνικος συνκάλυπτε τὸ ζῴδιον καὶ ἀποστὰς ἀπ' αὐτο̣ῦ̣ πήχεις ἕξ, συνκαλύψας μέτρησον πεντήκοντα ἐννέα ἐπὶ τρὶς ἀναποδίζων, στήκων ἐπὶ τὸ σημῖον τῶν ἓξ πηχῶν.
Magical Greek Papyri 36.264–274
*The image is not appended. No purpose is given.